
vi 1 go (from to) -enda, ondoka she will go to Arusha atakwenda Arusha let them go waache waondoke. go away nenda zako all hope has gone matumaini yote yameondoka. 2 kaa, -wa mahali pake pa kawaida where does the book go? kitabu kinakaa wapi?; ingia (ndani ya). 3 go (from/ to) fika, fikia the river goes to the ocean mto huu hufika baharini the differences between the friends goes back a long way kutoelewana kwa hawa marafiki wawili ni kwa muda mrefu. go a long way (last) dumu he makes his wages go a long way hutumia mshahara wake kwa uangalifu; (endure) (colloq) -wa kiasi cha kuvumilika. go a long way/far towards doing something changia, saidia. go (very) far dumu; (of a person, future tense) fanikiwa. go too far vuka mpaka, zidi you've gone too far! umezidi. go (any) further pita/kiwango fulani I've gone as far as I can in this job I can't go any further nimefikia kikomo changu katika kazi hii. go as/so far as to do something thubutu. as far as it goes kwa kiasi fulani. His views are valid as far as they go hoja zake ni za msingi kwa kiasi fulani. go to great lengths/ trouble (to do something) jitahidi/hangaika sana; -wa mwangalifu kufanya jambo vizuri. go as low/high as (of a price) shuka/panda hadi, fikia kiwango fulani. go one better (than somebody) fanya vizuri zaidi (kuliko mtu mwingine). 4 go on a journey/trip/outing safiri, fanya safari. go for a walk/swim enda kutembea/kuogelea. go walking tembea. 5 (in the pattern "~ prep n") enda (mahali palipodhamiriwa). go to school enda shule. go to church enda kanisani. go to sea -wa baharia. 6 go to somebody -wa mali ya mtu, rithiwa, gawiwa, enda kwa when the man died his property went to his grand children mtu yule alipokufa mali yake iligawiwa/ ilirithiwa na wajukuu zake the gold medal went to Bayi medali ya dhahabu ilienda kwa Bayi. 7 -wa he went red with rage aliwiva kwa hasira he will go mad atakuwa kichaa. go broke ishiwa fedha; -tokuwa na fedha. go flat (of liquid) -tokuwa na gesi. go native iga maisha ya wenyeji. go put (colloq of machines) haribika (fig) my project has gone put mradi wangu umeharibika. go scot-free/unchallenged/unpunished -toadhibiwa, -topingwa. 8 fanya kazi, enda my watch is not going saa yangu haiendi, haifanyi kazi. a going concern n shughuli hai iliyostawi I've been go ing all day nimekuwa nikifanya kazi siku nzima. 9 zoea, -wa katika hali fulani (kila mara) you need not go armed while in town huhitaji kuwa na silaha unapokuwa mjini she is six months gone ana mimba ya miezi sita. 10 (after How) endelea How's the work going? Kazi inaendeleaje? His plans are going well mipango yake inaendelea vizuri. go easy (on/with somebody/ something) -tokuwa mkali, fanyia uungwana; wa mwangalifu; -wa mpole go easy asteaste! go slow (of traffic) sota, enda pole pole; (of workers in factories etc) fanya mgomo baridi. go slow n mgomo baridi. be going strong endelea kusitawi, -wa na nguvu bado Born in 1900 but still going strong alizaliwa 1900 lakini bado ana nguvu. 11 tumia, fanya kazi kwa this car goes by petrol gari hili linatumia petroli. 12 (in progressive tense only) patikana that's the best house going hii ndiyo nyumba bora inayopatikana. 13 go (to somebody) for uzwa kwa bei (fulani) the radio went cheap radio iliuzwa kwa bei rahisi. 14 go on/in (of money) tumika kwa half my income goes on food nusu ya pato langu hutumika kwa chakula. 15 telekezwa, potea his sight is going uwezo wake wa kuona unapotea. 16 semekana, sadikiwa the story goes that... inasemekana kuwa... 17 kwa wastani, kwa jumla, ilivyo. as people go watu walivyo kwa wastani one hundred and fifty for a button is not bad as things go today bei ya shilingi mia moja na hamsini kwa kifungo kimoja sio mbaya sana ukifikiria jinsi bei ya vitu ilivyo siku hizi. 18 anguka, poromoka, angamia first the roof and then the walls went in the storm paa liling'oka kwanza kisha kuta ziliporomoka she is far gone yu mahututi; (colloq) yu mwenda wazimu. let oneself go jifurahisha. 19 -fa he has gone amekufa. dead and gone amekufa na kuzikwa. 20 amuliwa The election went in his favour alishinda uchaguzi. 21 (various phrases) go it tenda kwa bidii; jiingiza katika ubadhirifu. go it alone fanya pekee (bila msaada). 22 (of words, tune) pangiliwa I'm sure of how the words go nina hakika jinsi maneno yanavyo pangiliwa. 23 (colloq as informal request) enda go and dust the table nenda kafute meza now you have gone and done it ((sl) umeshaharibu. 24 toa mlio au sauti maalum `Bang' went the door mlango ulijifunga `mba'. 25 (of competitors in a race) anza ready, steady go kuwa tayari, kaa sawasawa, anza (kukimbia) here goes haya tunaanza. 26 (to express future) -ta I'm going to live on campus nitaishi chuoni we are going to have rain today huenda mvua itanyesha leo my son is going to be ten tomorrow mwanangu atatimiza umri wa miaka kumi kesho. 27 go as you please (atrrib adv) huru. 28 (idiomatic uses) go about tembea, randaranda; (of rumours, stories) enea; (of a ship) badili njia. go about something anza kuifanya kazi. please go about it more carefully tafadhali ifanye kwa uangalifu zaidi. go about one's business jishughulisha na mambo yako. go about with somebody fuatana na, -wa na mtu mwingine mara kwa mara. go after/something jaribu kupata kitu fulani. go against somebody pinga do not go against your employer usipingane na mwajiri wako; elekea/tokea vibaya the game is going against them wanaelekea kushindwa. go against something enda, -wa kinyume na it will not go against my tastes haitakuwa kinyume na vionjo vyangu. go ahead endelea they are go ahead people ni watu wanaopenda maendeleo may I leave? yes go ahead naweza kuondoka? ndiyo bila wasiwasi. go ahead n ruhusa ya kuendelea. go along endelea: the lessons will be easy as you go along masomo yatakuwa rahisi kadiri unavyoendelea. go along with somebody sindikiza, fuatana na she will go along with her boy friend atamsindikiza mpenzi wake; (agree) kubaliana na we can't go along with him on that argument hatuwezi kukubaliana na yeye katika hoja ile. go at somebody/something shambulia, vamia they went at it tooth and nail/hammer and tongs walishambuliana vikali; shughulikia kikamilifu. go away ondoka. go away with somebody ondoka na, chukua she has gone away with my book ameondoka na kitabu changu. go back rudi; rudi nyuma our friendship goes back to the 1960s when we were at Makerere urafiki wetu ulianza zamani katika miaka ya 60 tulipokuwa Makerere. go back on/upon vunja (k.m. ahadi). go before (something) tangulia. go behind tafuta. go behind somebody's back sengenya, fanyia mtu kitu pasipo yeye kujua. go beyond something vuka mpaka, zidi you are going beyond your responsibility umevuka mpaka wa madaraka yako that's going beyond a joke imezidi. go by pita he went by in a hurry alipita haraka sana. go by something fuata, ongozwa na go by the book fuata sheria barabara. go by/under the name tumia jina (fulani), itwa (fulani). go-by n. give somebody/something the go-by (colloq) puuza, dharau. go down (of a ship) zama; (of the sun, moon) tua; (of food and drink) telemka, mezwa the piece of meat won't go down siwezi kuimeza nyama hii; ondoka chuo kikuu (baada ya kuhitimu; (of the sea, wind etc) pungua, tulia; (of prices) poa, shuka the price of meat has gone down bei ya nyama imeshuka. go down to the coast/ village tembelea pwani/kijijini n.k. go down before somebody shindwa au pinduliwa. go down (in something) andikwa; kumbukwa you will go down in history as a hero utakumbukwa kuwa shujaa mkuu. go down to be endelea the liberation of man goes down to the present century ukombozi wa binadamu umeendelea hadi karne hii. go down (with somebody) (of a story) kubaliwa, pendwa (na msikilizaji) the story won't go down with my son mwanangu hatapenda hadithi hii the idea of the second wife does not go down well with the first wife fikra za kuoa mke wa pili hazikubaliwi na mke wa kwanza. go down (with something) ugua; pata ugonjwa the beggar has gone down with cholera yule ombaomba amepata kipindupindu. go for somebody -enda kumchukua (fulani) go for the children enda kuchukua watoto; shambulia the audience went for me in the seminar wasikilizaji walinishambulia katika semina; husu what I said about your friends goes for you too nilichosema kuhusu rafiki zako kinakuhusu na wewe pia; penda I don't go for detective nowels sipendi riwaya za upelelezi. go for nothing/little puuzwa; -tothaminiwa. go forth (formal) tolewa. go forward enda mbele; endelea. go in ingia (of the sun, moon etc) funikwa na mawingu; ingia mashindanoni. go in for something fanya, shiriki (katika mtihani; mashindano n.k.). go into something ingia go into the army ingia jeshini; (investigate) peleleza, chunguza kwa makini go into fits of laughter kauka kucheka. go into mourning vaa nguo nyeusi kama ishara ya msiba. go off (explode) lipuka; fyatuka; (go bad) poteza uzuri/ubora; (of milk) ganda; (of meat etc) oza; (of fish) china; (sleep) lala; poteza fahamu; (sale of goods) uzwa rahisi; (of events) enda/endelea (vema) the discussion went off well mjadala uliendelea vema; (as a stage direction in a printed play) toka jukwani. go off somebody/ something chushwa na; kinai. go off with somebody/something iba, toweka na (kitu), torosha He has gone off with your sister amemtorosha dada yako. go on (of time) pita As days went on kadiri siku zilivyopita; (behave) endelea na tabia (hasa mbaya) if she goes on like this she will be divorced akiendelea na tabia hii atatalikiwa; (happen) tokea, endelea kufanyika there is nothing going on there hakuna lolote linalofanyika pale; (theatre) tokea jukwaani; (take one's turn) fanya zamu. tell him to go on mwambie afanye zamu yake. go on something kubali, saidiwa na (k.m. ushahidi). go on the dole/social security (US) welfare lipwa posho na serikali wakati wa kukosa ajira. go on the pill anza kutumia vidonge vya kuzuia mimba. go on about something ongea kirefu, bwata. go on (at somebody) gombeza, kefyakefya, zoza. be going on (for) (of age/time) karibia I'm going on (for) fifty nakaribia miaka hamsini. be gone on go (sl) pumbazwa. go on to something/ to do something endelea (na) go on to the next item on the agenda endelea na dondoo linalofuata katika ajenda. go on (with something/doing something) endelea, vumilia. go on (with you)! (colloq) ondoka hapa. goings-on n pl (colloq) matukio, mambo (agh. ya ajabuajabu). ongoing adj -enye kuendelea. go out toka, ondoka (chumbani, nyumbani n.k.); toka (kwenda kwenye burudani karamu n.k.; (of fire, light) zimika; (of fashion) -wa zilipendwa; (of a government) acha madaraka, jiuzulu (kutoka madarakani); (as used by the workers) goma. we shall get better by going out tutapata mishahara mizuri zaidi kwa kugoma; (of a year) isha. go out to hama nchi yako; safiri. go out to somebody (of the heart, feelings) hurumia, -wa pamoja na. go out with somebody (colloq) -tembea na, -wa mpenzi wa. go over (colloq) pokelewa, furahisha the game did not go over well with the spectators mchezo haukuwafurahisha watazamaji. go over something chunguza kwa makini; (review) rudia. going over n (colloq) kuchunguza; uchunguzi; (sl) piga; (beating) kung'uta they gave him a thorough going -over walimkung'uta. go over to somebody/something badili kitu kimoja kwa kingine he went over to Rex amebadili sigara aliyokuwa akivuta kwa Rex. go round tosheleza wote we don't have enough drinks to go round hatuna vinywaji vya kuwatosheleza wote; zunguka. go round (to a place/ to do something) zuru, tembelea, tembea. go round the bend (colloq) pata wazimu, kasirika, -wa mwehu. go through pitishwa, idhinishwa the motion did not go through pendekezo halikuidhinishwa. go through something (of discussion) jadili kwa undani; (paper, book etc) pitia; (search) pekua, shiriki; (suffer) teseka, pitia you'll have to go through the hardships utalazimika kuteseka; (of a book, edition etc) uzwa; maliza, tumia (fedha). go through with something timiza, kamilisha, endelea hadi mwisho. go to/towards something changia, saidia kufanya the savings will go towards the car I want to buy akiba itachangia fedha za kununulia gari nililokusudia. go together enda pamoja, ambatana war and famine go together vita na njaa huenda pamoja; endana, chukuana the black coat and white shirt go together koti jeusi na shati jeupe vinachukuana. go under zama; (fig) shindwa; (of business) filisika. go up panda the prices will go up bei zitapanda; (of buildings) jengwa; (explosion, fire) lipuliwa, teketezwa; ingia chuo kikuu; -enda mjini (agh. mji mkuu). go up something panda, kwea mlima, mti, ngazi. go with somebody/something ambatana; fuatana go with him fuatana naye; (of views etc) kubaliana; (together) enda pamoja; ambatana the table goes with the dining chairs meza inaambatana na viti vya kulia; (match) chukuana this suit doesn't go with white shoes suti hii haichukuani na viatu vyeupe; (colloq) (of a young man and a girl) tembea/fuatana. go without (something) kosa, vumilia kutokuwa (na kitu fulani) you will have to go without a breakfast utalazimika kuvumilia kukaa pasipo kifungua kinywa go without saying inafahamika pasi kuelezwa, bila kupingwa. going n 1 hali ya njia, barabara kwa matembezi n.k. go while the going is good ondoka wakati hali inaruhusu. 2 kuondoka (usu) (pl) (lit, and fig). comings and goings kuja na kuondoka. 3 mwendo, kasi. n (all uses colloq) all systems go mambo tayari (kuondoka). all the go -enyewe, -a kisasa. at one go kwa mpigo mmoja. be full of go; have plenty of go -wa na bidii/juhudi nyingi. be on the go shughulika. have a go (at something) jaribu. near go ponea chupuchupu. no go mwanzo mbaya; (impossible situation) hali isiyowezekana/mbaya it's no go asking to go to the disco haiwezekani kuomba kwenda disko. no-go area eneo lililopigwa marufuku. go-between msuluhishi; tarishi; (of a marriage) mshenga; (of seduction) kuwadi.