
n 1 bahati by (any) ~ kwa bahati a happy ~ bahati njema. 2 nasibu a game of ~ bahati nasibu. 3 (opportunity) nafasi he lost his ~ alipoteza nafasi yake the ~s are against me inaelekea nitashindwa. 4 (probability) uwezekano: there is no~ of it haiwezekani; si yumkini an off ~ matumaini kidogo. take one's ~ jaribu bahati. the main ~ nafasi ya kupata pesa. vt 1 (risk) bahatisha; jaribu I'll ~ it nitabahatisha. 2 tukia, kuta kwa bahati ~ upon kuta if I ~ to see him nikibahatika kumwona it ~d that ilitokea kwamba. chancy adj (colloq) -a hatari; mashaka; -sio ya uhakika.